**In case I didn't mention it before, mom took a lot of pictures on this trip so I'm using some of hers for the blog. And as usual, I haven't edited any of them.**
And on mom's first day, we jumped on the tram to the immigration museum.
Because it is school holidays, the museum has a bunch of crafty things to do. Lilly was able to make a mask, a head-dress, and a tambourine. There was also story time. This museum has the best things to do, mostly because Lilly loves to color, cut and glue.
Mom singing Pat-a-cake with Adlai - notice she should have brought a second shirt as well. This isn't the best picture of either of them but it showed the spit-up the best.
Lilly with one of her creations.
Me working on Lilly's creation - not sure how I got suckered into that one. If you look carefully you can see Lilly running off in the background.
I didn't want to take a picture of Lilly while she was listening to story time because of the possibility that another kid would be in the picture. However, I should have because at the end, she was the only one left. She could have listened to stories all day (and then had me take home all the arts and craft stuff).
In the end, we did have to get a second head-dress because her first one met an untimely death in the bathroom. I'll let you use your imagination as to what might have happened.
With all our arts and craft stuff tucked in the stroller, we hopped back on the tram to head back home. I wish we would have taken a picture of us on the tram because it was an interesting time. The tram that goes close to our place is always rather busy so we needed to fold up the stroller and put Adlai's car seat on a seat. Folding up the stroller meant carrying all the stuff that usually gets thrown in the basket. It's a mess. Not something I would do if I didn't have a second pair of hands. [I do not count Lilly as that second pair. She is only good for carrying a granola bar.]
When we got to the end of the line I sent my mom home with Lilly leading the way. We only live five minutes from the tram line so I wasn't too worried about them making it home. I headed off to the Maternal and Child Health Centre. I had a little meeting with the Moms Group I belong to. Sometime I'll explain the group and how it all works.
Anyway, when the meeting was over, it was raining. Looking back, that seems like the understatement of the year. It was pouring buckets? I had at least worn my raincoat but more importantly, I had mom's poncho. I was able to throw it over the stroller and save Adlai from being soaked. I was a bit wet at the end of that walk.
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