Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hey, Mr. Postman!

Shortly after we arrived I got a scare by the crazy guy riding his scooter/motorcycle on the sidewalk. Well, that's the letter carrier. They don't walk house to house, they deliver on these nice little vehicles, on the sidewalk. I couldn't tell you if it is faster or why they use these? Did they start with horses and move right to mopeds? Not sure. I can tell you I have never had a conversation with my letter carrier, it's hard talking over the motor (makes me miss my letter carrier, Mary Ann).

(Uncle Dave, do you think you would be game for a scooter?)

There are post boxes every couple of blocks and I thought it was odd. I then found out that you don't leave your mail in your own mailbox to be picked up. You have to put it in the red box. I asked the lady who helped us find our house why you couldn't just leave it in your box and her response was 'That seems rather silly, someone could just come and take your mail.' I let it go but I have noticed that when the post person leaves the mail, he leaves it sticking out of the boxes. What is stopping anyone from taking that mail? Her logic really doesn't make sense to me.

And on to us, Lilly and tried to go to a concert for children this morning but didn't make it on time (our friends were running a bit late). So we checked out the town a bit and found a park to eat our doner kebabs and let the kids run around. Lilly has been into climbing trees lately and we found this one to satisfy her curiosity for a bit.

The temperature has been in the 60's during the day with drops into the 40's at night. Wouldn't be too bad but our house doesn't really warm up during the day. I'm cold pretty much all the time. I do complain about the temps and I know I shouldn't. From what I hear, it won't get too much colder, even in the winter. I'm crossing my fingers!

On Saturday Lilly and Seth went shopping for Mother's Day. When they came home Lilly handed me a bouquet of lilies, I'm waiting for them to open, I bet they'll rock (and I'll take some pictures). Seth was very thoughtful and bought some scrapbooking magazines, he told me to pick one and he'd get me a subscription. Seth made breakfast but other than that, we hung out at home. We made a quick run to Bunnings (similar to Lowe's or Home Depot) on the way to my soccer game. My team lost the game by one but I did score!

Have a good one!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Fab Weekend

Friday was a Mom and Tot outing with the AWA. They met at the Scienceworks Museum at 10:00 and I think they planned to stay until 12:00. We tried to go. Really we did. We got to the museum at 12:05. How is that for timing?

Overall we just had a very slow morning start. I had a 10:40 game the night before so I was rather tired and I wanted to get a little exercise first thing. Lilly had a meltdown somewhere in there and we just couldn't seem to leave the house. Very frustrating. We took a different route than normal and it seemed to also take a lot longer.

While we were at the museum Lilly spent most of her time in the pretend cafe. She served me lots of tea with lemon as well as chicken, spaghetti and lots of fruit. Her other favorite part is the bridge. Not so much with building, just walking across. She wanted to play with a wheelbarrow but there were just too many kids.

Saturday was a busy day. We met our friends on the other side of Coburg and hopped on a tram. Well, first we had a piece of cake. Don't ask why, we were offered we said, yes, we ate cake. We went down to Vic Market which has everything! They have meat, fruits and veggies and then it looks like a flea market after that. Not so much with the odd antique stuff but knock off everything. We bought some UNO Princess cards and the cards are different but the directions are for a regular UNO game. Not that it is difficult to figure out but we have 4 cards that we don't really know what to do with. We'll have to make up a rule for them.

We had a quick lunch and then headed off to the Melbourne Museum to see the new dinosaur exhibit. It was impressive but smaller than I was expecting. There is going to be more opening later in the year and even a third phase next year. Maybe that will meet more of my expectations. Our friends had to get a coffee fix but Seth and I held out for our final stop.

Final stop was Lygon Street. This is a good place for eating Italian. Most important, there is a dessert place that rocks! I would get the same thing every time I go in there so I had Seth pick something. It was ok. I like more chocolate!

After that, we headed to a book store for a quick look and the tram back to our house. I ended up driving our friends back to their house since it was late and I didn't want them to have to wait for the bus.

Then there was Sunday. Seth left the house to get a light for his bike and a neon vest for riding in the dark. That was pretty much it!