Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Let's go Fly a Kite

These were taken in early February. We had bought the kite around the Christmas holidays but never found a useful windy day. I'm sure we just aren't experts at the whole kite flying experience and could have flown it at some point. But either way, Seth was able to get the kite to fly even if just for a few minutes.

Monday, March 29, 2010

February 3 - Learning to Swing

Lilly is trying to get the hang of swinging on her own. She doesn't quite have it but she has fun trying. She would stay on the swings all day. Her buddy Alex doesn't have the same love for the swings and will try to convince her to play elsewhere. I side with Alex so I can rest my arms.

These pictures were taken at Coburg Lake Reserve. It's the closest play park to our house (at least that we've found) and the one we go to most often. Lilly's 3rd birthday was celebrated here.

February 1 - First Day of Kinder

When we first moved here, I can't tell you how many people asked if I had Lilly on a waiting list for 3-year Kinder (aka Kindergarten, aka pre-school). Apparently it was important that I get Lilly into a good Kinder right away. Well, I just giggled and pretended I didn't know what they were talking about (cause I didn't). I didn't enroll Lilly in 3-year Kinder.

I did apply for one 4-year Kinder and we got in! Not that I was worried. It is within walking distance from our house and is in the same building as the Primary School where I was going to do some work for the first term. I figured if she didn't get in, I wouldn't sweat it. But she did, and she goes Monday and Wednesday for 5 hours each day.

First day of school: We had to wake Lilly up to get her ready. It wasn't the best day, Lilly doesn't do well with being woken up. She didn't smile until we stepped out of the house and that was just for the picture. She cried the entire time we were walking.

But once we got inside, she was much better. She did want me to come into the classroom and was reluctant to let me go. I helped her with a little activity and she seemed ok.

When I picked her up, she told me about her day and asked when she could come back. She's going to do well in there.

Friday, March 26, 2010

January 29 - Saying Good-bye to the Family

The family was leaving and Jaime spent the morning getting everything equally divided between all the luggage. We really wanted to get pictures of the kids together but it wasn't meant to be. Jenna wouldn't let go of Michelle. We tried, but it was a losing battle. The closest we got was a picture at the airport while Michelle and Jaime were checking in.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

January 28 - Let's play some golf!

Jaime and Michelle left the kids with us and went on a bus tour of the Great Ocean Road. They got to see some animals as well as the house on a stilt. They took a helicopter ride over the Twelve Apostles. I think they had a good time.

Seth and I took all the kids to see a fairy show in the city. We also happened to know one of the fairies. I don't think we took any pictures which is a huge disappointment. At one time the kids were all playing (after the show was over) and Lilly took a slide through a mud puddle. She had mud from her toes all the way up to her bum. Luckily we had friends there who had a pair of sweatpants that we were able to use.

In the evening we took the three kids out for a walk. There is a 'driving range' along the bike trail near our house. Since no one was around we let the twins out of their stroller and got Lilly off her tricycle and told them to run free. And they did! Eventually we found a golf ball which was not helpful when there were three kids. As we were leaving we did find two more so everyone was happy.

January 26 - Australia Day

Jaime and Michelle took off for a three day holiday up to Cairns. They did some snorkeling around the Great Barrier Reef and saw some rain forest stuff, I think.

Anyway we had the kids and had quite the adventure toting them around Melbourne. We went into the city on Australia Day to see some music and the fireworks. We left a bit late (surprised? you shouldn't be) and saw the end of some stuff. It was fun and the kids did great for the fireworks.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

January 24 - My baby turns 4!

From the 21st until the 23rd Jaime and Michelle took off to Sydney. From what I heard, they had a great time. You'll have to ask them to see the pictures.

For Lilly's 4th birthday we had a ladybug party at one of the local parks. This was actually a different park from last year. We still wanted to do a bbq but this time we wanted some shade. It was a good thing we did as it wasn't overly hot, but it was very sunny!

I made invitations for a few friends. We played a couple of games, had some food, and let the kids play on the equipment. I made a ladybug cake but didn't get a single picture of it. I think Michelle did, but I'll have to get those birthday pictures from her.

Seth and I got Lilly a Barbie bike. She was laughing hysterically when she saw it. We put on her helmet and let her have a go but we didn't get very far. As soon as she sat on it the bike wobbled. Lilly started screaming for Seth to hold onto her. It didn't matter. She didn't go anywhere. The wobbles were too much for her. End of the thrill of the Barbie bike.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

January 20 - Around the Bay

In order for everyone to get the full idea of this days events, I will have to get Seth to put a map of our trip on here.

We started by heading to Geelong to the beach. I wanted to see these wooden statues that are all along the waterfront. I know we didn't see very many of them but they were pretty funny.

We had lunch and walked along the water.

They had built a pier type structure that went around a big swimming area. There were quite a few swimmers on this day. I think this little wheel is funny. The kids were laying on it and then letting it roll. There must have been a more graceful way to do it because everyone we saw smacked some part of their body.

And more statues . . .

Next stop . . . a brewery. Go figure. We didn't have too much stuff in the car so we were able to bring home some beer and lots of wine.

We made a little side trip but we ended up going to the lighthouse. Since Seth and I have walked around the lighthouse we took the kids down to the beach to run around in the sand.

Quick drive to the ferry and we relaxed while the boat took us across the bay (we couldn't drive across but this was close enough).

On the other side we had dinner at a pizza place Seth and I have been to. Sorento was one of the few places we have been camping.

After dinner we just started the long drive home. It took us several hours and the kids on either side of me were awake the entire time. They went to bed fairly easily once we got home. Jaime and Michelle spent the rest of the evening packing for their family trip to Sydney.

January 19 - Animals

We borrowed one of Seth's co-worker's cars and headed off to Healsville. This is our favorite of the 'zoos' around here. Personally I like the animal clinic but I would love to see an actual surgery while I was there.

Anyway, the trip gets quicker every time we go. And besides James vomiting all over himself, it was relatively quiet. We wanted to get there in time to see the Kangaroo Zoo Keeper talk but we were really pushing it for time. When we got there we all rushed out and ran off towards the kangaroos. We had missed any of the talk but were in time to get to feed the kangaroos!

Lilly inviting one home for dinner.

Jaime caught two kangaroos throwing a few punches.

We caught a bird show and then ran around to see some lizards, Tasmanian devils and bats.

And of course, koalas.

We found out there was a brewery in Healsville so of course we checked it out. There was also a hot dog/ice cream store and a cafe. I wish we would have known that for our last several sets of visitors. The trip would have been a little more interesting.