Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Adlai's Procedure

When we found out we were having a boy we started asking about having him circumcised. Little did I know that it was going to become a big deal. All we found out initially was that it isn't done at the hospital when they are born.

Ok, so then I had to ask several of my GP's for a referral and I got a lot of questions. Apparently it's not the norm.

Next we found out that we had to wait until the little guy was six months.

Then we found out the the procedure CAN NOT be done at a public hospital. We would have to go to a private doctor and to a private hospital. Quite a bit of money in cutting a piece of skin. We did notice an office building that we passed quite often that advertised circumcision on the window. But I was looking for a place without spelling errors when listing the different services they provide.

What is that?

Starting to notice something is going to happen

I went back with him and could stay until he was knocked out. While he cried and looked a little disgruntled about having a mask pushed on him, he did fairly well. I think he was tired from getting up so early in the morning.

The waking up was a bit traumatic. Adlai didn't come out of his sleep well. He was the only baby that was completely mortified of what had just happened. After a week and a half of swelling and discomfort (I have to imagine that was the case), Adlai eased back to his usual self.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Treat for the Adults

Seth bought a great groupon deal to a Japanese Steakhouse. We had the opportunity to go for a lunch when Lilly was at school and we had some errands to run for Adlai.

Our chef

His idea of entertainment for Adlai (really he just wanted to watch the flashy knives, not eggs that didn't move)

Seth took an awesome picture of me catching scrambled egg in my mouth but I have decided to leave that one out.

Adlai and me!

At the end of the day Adlai's paperwork was done for his American passport. He is now a citizen of the US (he's had his Australian passport for a while).

Just because . . . Adlai got a bath in our bathtub that has now been used twice since we have lived in this house. He spent the entire time pulling out the plug, letting me put more water in and then pulling it again. He won't be using this bathtub any more.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

11 Months

A photo shoot was not in the cards for the little boy on the go. So here are some pictures from our day:

Mischievous Monkey

The play tables are huge hits around here

Melts my heart

Practicing letters/numbers/squiggly lines

Current toy selection (and yes, that is a Halloween sock)

Getting comfy after meal time

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Food Experimentation

With Adlai we have been much better about making his food. Lilly was a jar baby. We have been trying to make sure we always have food prepared for Adlai which means making large quantities and freezing it.

But with these experiments I've had to use veggies that I haven't used before. I had honestly never cooked with a sweet potato before making Adlai's food!! I don't eat them so I've never made anything with them. And squash. And leeks.

Luckily youtube helps me with the preparation with these veggies I've never used before. While I'm embarrassed to say I don't know how to cook with these foods, I'm happy that I've stepped out of my comfort zone.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lerderderg State Park

Time for a family hike!

Pretty flat and short. Someone passed us right before we took a snack break and said they couldn't get too much further with their two young children. We took that as a sign to head back.

But not before Lilly threw some rocks. Cause all kids need to throw rocks.

A nice view along the path:

We all made it out and Adlai even had his hat at the end.

And because Lilly wanted to show everyone her adult teeth (and how straight they are not):

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Little Helper

Instead of reading books at the library, Adlai plans out his day and pays my bills.

At some point I'll find it useful.

Monday, February 13, 2012

What Do You Do With a Broken Tourist Attraction?

Once upon a time the city of Melbourne made a great, big ferris wheel. They called this wheel the Southern Star. After a few minor delays, the wheel was opened for tourist in December of 2008 (at a cost of about 100 million Aussie buckaroos).

And in January of 2009, it was shut down.

It was initially thought that a heatwave had cause structural damage but now it is said that there were flaws in the design and there were cracks in the steel. I'm no engineer so I'll never know.

Anyway, it is being rebuilt and maybe it will be completed this year.


Will I ever go on it? I don't know. I hear it costs an arm and a leg. It better be an amazing view. I know you get a close up of Costco.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


This country is being overrun with ants. And so is my house. And it is upsetting that those spiders that I LET live here are not eating the ants.

So we've had ants in various places in our house. Mostly the playroom (I don't know why they chose there, there is NO food or water there) and of course the kitchen/dining room area. So we've been sweeping and keeping the counters clean. But it doesn't make a difference. We've even sprayed outside where we thought they were coming in.

Seth and Lilly went to the shopping center and I laid down Adlai for a nap. I was going to clean up the hobby room but I put some dishes away in the pantry first. I shouldn't have looked. There were quite a few ants. Ok, I'll try to clean that up. I pulled out the potatoes and a mob of ants dispersed in every direction. Were they trying to carry out a 5 kg bag of potatoes (that's 11 pounds!)? This was the point that Adlai woke up from his nap. Go figure.

So I got him out and then pulled everything out of the bottom of the pantry (I have high hopes that the other shelves are ant free). I swept everything and then mopped. This time there was a trail out down the hall, across the playroom and out the door (before there were just random ants, no clear trail). So I was able to mop the trail and spray around the door again.

I ended up sweeping the floor three more times before Seth got home. I couldn't spray since all the other food was in the pantry. And the kid was sitting amongst the potatoes.

I'm over the ants. I just want them gone. But I did discover that Adlai enjoys helping out around the house.

Friday, February 10, 2012

I am a Prisoner!

I think Adlai would much rather be outside with Lilly than trapped indoors.

I could be wrong.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

And How Was Your Day?

I was attacked today.

Before you get concerned, I was attacked by this.

A drooly,

runny nose,

baby boy.

Who moved so fast I couldn't get my camera to focus on him.

Until he drooled on me.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yanking my Heartstrings

My baby:

started Day Care yesterday. At a wonderful place. They see Adlai and take him and talk to him and cuddle. They don't give either one of us time to be sad. Which is good.

But I walk away a little sad. I miss spending the day with my boy. This week I'll use the time to get myself a little organized. Next week I'll start doing a little work in the school. I'll keep busy. I can do it. Just like the millions of other fabulous mothers out there.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Bath Boy

You know how sometimes people don't want kids to grow up? Sometimes they say they want to stuff their kids in a pickle jar so they don't get any bigger (or maybe so they don't have to be heard). I didn't have a jar to fit Adlai. So I stuffed him back into the kitchen sink.

Not really, but it's still the perfect place for him to take a bath.

But not for long. He's going to be too big for it very soon.

Either that or he's going to flood the kitchen from all the splashing.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

On the Menu

Lilly loves, loves, loves buttered chicken. She could eat it 5 days a week. Our favorite is one we get at Costco but I think that's because you add cream to it.

Adlai loves the bread, he gets his own.

Lilly chowing down.

We started watching a movie about the race horse Secretariat. Hence Lilly sitting on the floor. We don't always make her sit on the floor. This time we did get smart and put a towel under her so we didn't have to spend so much time cleaning the floor. The towel, however, may never be the same again.

Friday, February 3, 2012

First Day of School

My daughter is now in Grade 1.

First day of school picture.

And in front of the sign by her school.

Most of her class moved straight up in her class this year. So her 3 best buddies are in her grade again. And somehow they all got seated together! Curious to see how that's going to work.

The entire school is made up of split classes (a lot of schools I have worked in do this). Lilly is in a 1/2 and will probably have the same teacher for both years.

And oddly enough, in case you didn't catch the date, she started on a Friday! Who does that?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Taking Notes for the Next Birthday Party

Adlai is just a little messy when it comes to eating. So sometimes he goes shirtless. It's also been a bit warm so that explains his eating habits.

And so, I gave him some ice play with (this may have been so I could finish dinner). But he couldn't pick it up. Well, he tried and it must have been too cold. He still wanted the water portion so he did the next best thing.

And went for it.

I could see this being a good party game.