Thursday, May 31, 2012

Give the Boy a Break!

Adlai has Hand, Foot and Mouth.  A contagious virus he picked up most likely at child care (there was a sign last week that someone had it).  Unfortunately we had sent him to day care thinking he had broken out - he has sensitive skin at times.  The day care assumed so also or we wouldn't have left him.  But that night, it was worse and it made me think.  Seth took him to the doctors the next day and they confirmed.  I took off Thursday and he stayed home with me.  Our day care centre has an awesome policy where you can sell you days.  If you can't use it and someone needs it, it's brilliant.  It just so happened that someone needed an extra day and they took our day.  I did find out later that there were about 5 cases of HF&M and they spent a lot of time cleaning and disinfecting everything and anything in the baby room !!

Anyway, several of the moms in my mother's group said their children had it as well.  Of course, they were better at determining what it was.  Adlai doesn't get sick like normal children apparently.  Usually with HF&M there is a fever and/or possibly vomiting that happens a couple days before the blisters present themselves.  Adlai didn't get any of that.  Which was another reason why we had no clue that he was infected with this icky virus.  He also didn't have 'normal' blisters.  He had a few in his mouth but only one on a hand and one on a foot and they looked like nothing.  Didn't look like a blister and nothing came out of it!  The only ones we could really see were on his face, around his mouth which started by looking like we didn't wash his face after he ate a bowl of peanut butter.

Anyway, I think he had a very mild case and he was running around a couple days later.  He still was quarantined but he was a happy clam.

And before you ask:  I do not feed my children bowls of peanut butter.  Although they might eat it.  I, on the other hand, would enjoy a bowl of peanut butter eaten with a bar of chocolate.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Possible Reason?

While Adlai hasn't had a temperature for days he still hasn't perked up.  But we may have a reason.

Upon looking in the little lad's mouth there are about 5 new teeth poking through including some of those pesky back molars.  This is our best guess as to what has been happening.  Now that they have popped through he has perked up a bit.  But cuddles are still the name of the game right now.  [He does not really need the puke bowl he has in his hand.  It's a comfort thing.]

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Everyone Has a Birthday

I belong to an awesome mom's group.  Sometimes not many people can meet but that's ok.  We have a group of very small babies.  With large heads.  I need to move back to Coburg just for these ladies.

Anyway, since all our babies were born within a couple months of each other we had a massive birthday party.  But as I said in the last post, Adlai is sick.  His temperature is gone but he just wants cuddles and hugs and drink.

But we went to celebrate.  And have cake!

Since we had a bunch of 1 year olds Lilly helped with blowing out the candles.  I'm currently the only one with more than one child.  That will change here eventually.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

At What Point do I Worry?

Adlai doesn't feel well.

How do I know?


I put him down.  


And he stayed put.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Price of Chocolate

Notice over Lilly's shoulder the price of the candy bars.

In case you can't read them, the ones on sale are 2 for $3.00.  And you can't buy one for $1.50, you have to buy 2 to get the bargain.  Snickers is $1.62 and KitKat is $1.88.  These are not King size, these are regular sized bars.  It really does cut down on my impulse buying.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Milk for Everyone!

Adlai didn't really like to drink milk when we first introduced it to him.  Why would he?  The other stuff was warm and sweet.  We kept working on it and found that if he put it in his mouth we would cheer and he would be happy (and usually just open his mouth and let it slide back out).  We moved on to cheering if he actually swallowed (which sometimes involved holding his mouth shut) and he was happy.  I found out that they were SPOON feeding Adlai his milk at day care.  He was drinking it and he was happy (I was rolling on the floor with laughter).  To this day, the best way to get him to drink his milk?


Sunday, May 13, 2012

It's My Party!

Seth surprised me for my birthday.  We dropped kid #1 off with some friends and hoped for the best for kid #2.  We ended up close to the city at the Great Australian Beer SpecTAPular.  There were 60 beers on tap from breweries all over Australia.  I think New Zealand even had a couple.  Maybe it was the Australiasian SpeTAPular.  Either way it was a lot of fun.

The list of all the beers and what was in them (so I mostly picked on name and location, there were a few that I avoided based on description)

Our first paddle of yummy goodness

Adlai did NOT get to enjoy

Our favorite taste got a full glass

Inside the Royal Exhibition Building (a couple episodes of MasterChef were filmed here at the beginning of the season)


Adlai's wuz here

Thursday, May 10, 2012


As I was scrolling through my pictures I found these.  As I said before, my pictures somehow are out of order.  I don't know why or how.  I just wanted to post what I can because I know I didn't take many pictures in future months (it's like I'm talking to myself in the future but not since I'm sort of behind).  Anyway, these are from a month ago when we got an awesome package to go with birthdays.  Thank you Aunt Janet and Grandma!  I love you!

After I made him retrieve his new toy out of the dishwasher

Stuck!  But he was happy until he realized the fact that he could stand up and walk away.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Every Boy Grows Up

Adlai wants to be more independent.  He tries.  He does well.  I'll miss the days when he depends on me.  I'll miss the days when I didn't have so much to clean up!  But they grow up and I'll love every step of the way (remind me I said this when we have to potty train him).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Do You Know What is in Your Dishwasher?

Just checking.  I have to check mine every so often.

Because there are things.

A shoe made it into the dishwasher this time.

Monday, May 7, 2012

He's Civilized

My kid likes to use silverware to eat.

Never mind that he's using butter knives.

And just completely forget he's sitting on the floor.

Don't imagine what meal that toasted cheese sandwich may have been from.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Lilly really likes to make food.  She likes to eat food, too.  That is probably more important to her.  But she tries to be helpful so we try to do things that are more to her ability every now and then.  Her latest creation:

Well planned bread.

Ok, she didn't eat it.  She didn't like how dense it turned out.  I, on the other hand, warmed it in the microwave and dipped it in pizza sauce.  Delicious!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

He's Curly

At the moment the boy has curls.  I love them.  I know he needs a hair cut, everyone thinks he is a girl.  But his curls!  My attempt to take a picture of said curls:

A little wisp . . .


Sideburns that go on for miles . . .

And curly-whirly . . .

Friday, May 4, 2012

When Adlai Attacks

I missed a bunch of pictures so I'm going to sneak them in.  This isn't a picture but a video.  He's too cute!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I probably take more pictures of Adlai these days.  I'm home with him a little more and he isn't as fast.

So I thought I'd throw one in with Lilly.  When she was sitting still!

She's thrilled!

There's a smile!  I think she was doing spelling homework.  She is at an age where she gets excited to do homework.  Until she's frustrated with it.