Seth made plans for himself while we were in Sydney.
He was able to find a location that was hosting a Magic tournament that was fairly close to our hotel.
So I took mom, Lilly and Adlai to the nearest train station and headed to the city.
It was a long day with loads of walking.
First stop was the Opera House. I really wanted to see a show and there was a children’s show on but it was sold out for the entire weekend we were going to be in the area. Oops. That was a bit of a bummer and Lilly was pretty close to having a meltdown about it.

It was time for food (Lilly’s stomach is on a timer). I wanted to find a café to grab a sandwich but of course, there was nothing to be found. That always seems to happen. We ended up at Subway. Nothing like American fast food for the visitors.
Adlai's view of Sydney:

Next stop was the market at The Rocks. Mom bought an album for her pictures. While we were wandering around we did run into a tiny museum. It was about how the Rocks came about and the role of the convicts in the area.

We figured out the ferry system and caught a boat to Darling Harbor. We walked to the aquarium and explored the fish from down under. There were quite a bit of exhibits that were under construction so that was a bit disappointing. But, they were doing a huge lego promotion so there were massive lego statues. Lilly insisted on getting her picture taken with each one. We still were able to walk through all the tunnels and see the dugong and sharks.

Fun story from the aquarium: I noticed a guy with a Xenia shirt on! It was some sort of band shirt, which made me laugh. So, I approached the guy and asked if he was from Xenia, Ohio and he was! We kept running into each other so we were discussing the band scene back in Xenia. Finally I put it all together and asked who his parents were. Sure enough, his dad was someone I sat next to in band (a year older than me) and I met his mom in junior high (a year younger than me). How’s that for a small world?
Seth eventually finished playing and met us at the Harbour. We had a very late dinner and then headed back to our hotel by way of train.