Thursday, March 3, 2011


What? Another generic post? What's going on? Well, more rain, Seth was still in the states and I still had morning sickness to deal with. My favorite doctor's appointment was when they did blood work and I was told that I needed more Vitamin D. I asked the best way to get it and the midwife said spend time outside. Then she looked at me and said, 'oh, never mind, it needs to stop raining first.'

But we did do something!!

We went to the Melbourne Museum where this tile/lego board is Lilly's favorite activity:

Seth sent me flowers for our anniversary which was August 31 but I was trying to wait for the flowers to open before I took the pictures. They were awesome and a great pick-me-up that day. (I did have a friend deliver Seth some flowers at the hotel.)

Lilly and I went to the zoo to see the baby elephants. The one I got a picture of was about 6 months old. There was also a baby that was only about a week old but no where to be seen at the moment.

And Lilly really just wanted to play on the playground anyway . . .

Lilly and I braved the rain and went to the Royal Melbourne Show (aka state fair). Of all the things they have to see, Lilly just wanted to hold the chickens. And so, she held the chickens.

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