At 6:30 in the morning I was sent back to a pseudo birthing room for monitoring. Nothing too exciting was happening so I got to speak to the big doctor on the floor. Here was where I was nervous. It was going to completely depend on this doctor as to whether they just went straight for a c-section or whether I would have the opportunity to have a VBAC. Luck was on my side and the doctor gave me the option. Not only that, but since it had been over 24 hours, he was willing to induce (again, some doctors would just say "time is up, cut her open").
They got me all set up in an actual birthing room and had me all hooked up before Seth got there. I wasn't on the drip very long before stuff started happening. It really didn't take very long and I think it surprised some people. My body just needed a little nudge and it took off on it's own.
Ok, so no details along the way, I had a VBAC.
The downside, I ended up in the "Operating Theatre" at the end of it all for a tear. Apparently it was a bad one. At the end of the day, I ended up with a spinal for that. While I was able to walk around the next day, I may not be able to run for another three months. Sigh.
But this baby is quite cute, so I'll just spend the next three months cuddling and loving him!
He came out at 3.558 kg (7 pounds 13 ounces) and measured 50 cm (a little more than 19.5 inches).
How cute, I love all of the pictures. Take care
Kara Pearson
jolie, i am so excited for you that you got to do vbac! i will want the gory details at some point if you are willing to share :)
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