Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rest of January

Lilly got a haircut and I don’t know why her “fringe” looks like it is parted, but it looked like that for several days. It was the straightest haircut but I guess I shouldn’t expect much. Lilly sits really still but I’ve never met someone who can cut her hair straight.

I passed the 7 month mark.

Lilly took the picture so I do look like a giant. But the bump looks like a volleyball under there. I am carrying this one much different than Lilly.

Lilly participated in some Summer Reading Activities at the library. We made the Australian flag for Australia Day.

We went to play at the Melbourne Zoo. I was hoping to see the baby orang-utan. I saw the baby but the mother was very protective and had it tucked under her arm the entire time she was feeding. So instead I got a picture of these two who were very amusing. Notice one is holding the tap on and the other has his tongue out to slurp the water up.

We also got to see both baby elephants at the same time. They were very cute playing around in the water.

Lilly and I went to the Children’s Garden and she participated in a class. She learned about a lot of different plants and got to plant some lettuce in the garden. She brought a plant home and watered it very well for 6 weeks. It is now just a pot with dirt in it.

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