So really, all we did in the first part of October was sit around and wait for him. Just kidding, we did make one day trip out to the Werribee Open Range Zoo. We've been there before but I enjoyed it enough to make the drive.
However, the drive took forever because just as we were traveling down the highway I noticed a ton of police officers. As we exited from one highway to another, I found out why. We were about the third car stopped on the exit ramp. But all traffic was stopped going south so no cars were coming and we just sat and waited. After about five minutes I noticed people getting out of their cars, not a good sign. Ten minutes later I noticed how far traffic was backed up and that people were lining up on the pedestrian bridge. And then I remembered the small snippet of news I actually heard that morning. Because the AFL Grand Finale had to be replayed (due to a tie), some huge bicycle race had to be postponed to Sunday. Which was the day we were driving to the zoo. Sure enough, the bikes came and went. Of course, we were then behind the bikers and could only go as fast as them, but at least we were close to them as we didn't have to wait forever to pull onto the highway and didn't have much further to go.
Once we got to the zoo we went on our safari tour and saw Lilly's favorite 'aminal', the giraffe.
We also checked out the hippos for a while.
Lilly climbed around the ferocious looking statues. If only it had been warmer this would have been a water fountain.
And just a fun little mushroom we stumbled across!
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