We wanted to see these cute beach houses Seth had seen in a picture somewhere. (Seth didn't call them cute, I did!) Anyway, turns out they were one beach north of the beach we went to last Christmas. So, we basically followed the same plan, although this year, Lilly wasn't sick so that made traveling just a little bit easier.
(FYI on the beach shacks - they are just little storage type sheds and are privately owned. Rumor has it that each costs a couple hundred thousand. Chump change . . .)
No one changed into bathing suits but at the end of the day we did have to change Lilly's clothes because she was soaked. We had fun making our sand melted snow man. We chased the waves and played in the sand. It was a fun family day.
Once we got back home we headed over to our friends' house and had dinner with their family. Such a great day!
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