Sunday, February 13, 2011

June 7 - June 13

We got back to Ohio late on Monday and then Tuesday was spent relaxing. In the afternoon, Seth drove me most of the way to Columbus and my brother, Jaime, picked up Lilly and I so we could spend some time with them.

The week was spent playing with the twins and scrapbooking in the evening when my sister-in-law came home from work. Did we actually get anything done that week? Anyway, here are some pictures of playtime:

Thursday Jaime took me to a beer tasting. We sampled Colorado beers. There were some interesting selections. Too bad I didn't get any pictures.

On Friday my mom decided to come down. She couldn't wait any longer to see me. Giggle - she was there to see Lilly, I'm smarter than that. Seth also came down from Michigan for the weekend.

Saturday Seth's sister came up from Louisville. We had dinner with them and then on Sunday we went to COSI.
This me at the display board for the overnight program. I am pointing to a picture of me holding a giant toothbrush thinking I'm going to a workshop on desserts. But no, it was a workshop on deserts.

Lilly and her cousin, Alandra, with the construction equipment.

Lilly being cheesy.

We signed the girls up for a science lab where the got to try different science experiments. They had a hard time agreeing on what to do but thought anything with marshmallows would be fun.

And here is an attempt at getting the James, Jenna and Lilly to sit still for a picture at some point throughout the week:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My babies all together!