Monday, February 14, 2011

June 21 - June 27

Lilly and I spent some time with Emily and her girls. First up, Paige had a t-ball game. She was being a ham whenever she got to third base since that's where we were sitting. She even did a little dance for us.

I took the opportunity to steal, I mean borrow, Emily's car and visit my Grandmother in Greenville since we were so close. Hope she doesn't mind these pictures being online! The second picture was taken by Lilly.

The five of us girls went to the Troy Aquatic Park but I seem to be missing pictures of it. Maybe Emily was the only one who took pictures. Sometime I'll have to grab some of them from her because there are some cute ones of the three younger girls.

At the end of the week I made a mad dash (by way of Emily's driving) back to Jaime and Michelle's house. We had some last minute planning to do. This was the weekend of the Callaway/Larris/Weaver Pretend Christmas. I still had to wrap some presents. But everyone made it (at least we didn't have to worry about traveling in the snow) and we had fun opening all our goodies.

Yes, I have a box of Velveeta Cheese in my hand, and no, I did not get Velveeta Cheese as a present. You'll also notice the baseball game in the background, this is something else that we don't usually see during Christmas Festivities.

This is Lilly and her new dollhouse. The one that I had to give up a suitcase for so we could bring it back to Australia.

And finally Sunday was my mom's Surprise Luau Birthday Party. Seeing as her birthday wasn't for another month and a half, she had to have been a little surprised. And again, missing some pictures, but these will do.

Mom with her younger sister, Janet. We got mom a bunch of pictures of the three grandkids for her birthday. I think they went over well.

Me in a festive mood. Although I was very busy and didn't get much of Jaime's home brew which I always enjoy drinking.

And just because it is cute, my sister-in-law, Michelle, and my nephew, James. I guess I shouldn't leave our camera lying around, you never know what you'll end up with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for my party. I'm so lucky to have a beautiful family.