Sunday, February 13, 2011

June 14 - June 21

So after the Real Life Farm was canceled a second time, the third time was a done deal. The kids got to go on a pony ride, milk a cow, feed some goats and hold some very tiny animals. Lilly loved it all!

Last time Lilly milked the cow she covered the farmer in milk.

By Thursday Lilly and I were going crazy in the hotel and we met my cousin, Emily in Ohio to spend some time with them. We got back to there house in time to run Abby to her g-ball game. Is that what it was called?

Ok, so really, Emily's house was a quick stop. On Friday she drove us down to her mom's house (hi, Aunt Julie!) and my friend Heather picked us up so Lilly and I could go to CAMP!! We spent a weekend at Woodland Altars for Parent/Pre-school camp. It was so much fun to go down and show Lilly all the places we used to hang out. It was really fun to go down with one of my own camp buddies (our daughters are only a few months apart in age).

Lilly with her camping best friend, Ellie.

Taken from the lodge. You can see the water slide. The weekend we were there the water wasn't quite clean yet. At least the pool was ok. Freezing but that was to be expected.

The naturalist used one of these bug catchers so the kids all wanted one. They spent the rest of the weekend catching bugs. Lilly still catches the bugs and spiders around the house with that thing.

Taking a break from bug catching.

I know I have a picture of Heather and I somewhere. Instead I'll post a picture of her lighting our camp fire. All I can say was that it was hot when we finally got to doing the fire and we were a sweaty mess when the kids got there. The s'mores were wonderful though. We just don't have the right ingredients down under for them.

One of the many funny moments - We always had to get our temperature taken and make sure we weren't feeling ill. The dean of the camp asked Lilly if she had been on a plane recently and Lily looked at me and said, um . . . no? And then the dean asked if Lilly had traveled a long way to get there and Lilly said yes! The dean asked where she came from and Lilly said Australia (as if that's where everyone had traveled from that day).

We even took the girls for an ice cream treat before heading back to the Dayton area. Sigh, good times!

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