Back in Michigan it warmed up enough to use the hotel pool. Lilly loved using the goggles while we were with the Bolens at the Troy Aquatic Park so we picked up a pair for her. She also had a test run of the water wings when we were at camp. With both of these items she became a little fish. She wasn't afraid of swimming in the deeper part of the water or sticking her head in. After watching a little girl jump in and swim around, Lilly decided she was cool enough to do the same thing. Whenever we would go to the pool Lilly put all her gear on and walked down the hall and down all the stairs just like this. If she had some flippers, it would have been awesome, but she would have been crawling.
Wednesday evening Lilly and I took the train to Michigan City, Indiana to spend time with my mom. It was nice not having to drive. If I could have slept, it would have been even better.
Thursday we played around at the store and then we found a park to play in. The park was mainly these huge tires everywhere for the kids to jump around on. Very interesting concept. Lilly was impressed by the snake.
Friday my brother and Michelle came with the twins but I left to go to Gary for the day. The Thunderbirds were having their practice time for the airshow and I wanted to see if I could get some pictures. It turned out to be a beautiful day. Lilly and I met Emily and her girls and we headed to the beach. The younger girls played while Emily and I practiced our photography skills with the T-birds. It was absolutely awesome. In case you don't know, I have a cousin who flew with them for the past two years. This was my first chance to see them. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my dad would have been so proud.
From what I've been told, my cousin is the back end of the diamond.
Since we were on the beach, there was lots of water and sand to think about. It was just a bit chilly for the girls to go into the lake (and I really didn't want Lilly in there) so they were satisfied with hunting for shells. Don't ask what Lilly was doing, but there was some sort of accident:
It was hysterical and boy was she mad when I took pictures instead of cleaning her up.
My mom had stayed home with the twins and played with them all day. When I got home Jaime and Michelle were running late so I helped get them all ready for bed. They had their mild while sitting on Grandma's lap. But really, who do you think was more tired?
Saturday Seth got out to Indiana and everyone headed to Gary to see the airshow. We ended up having quite the Weaver crowd. It was fun to see my cousins that I hadn't seen in two years. I never did get to talk to or see Sean in person but I still had a really good time watching him fly.
In the evening, all the Weavers went out for pizza. There is a picture of all of us, but again, I for some reason don't have it!
Sunday we tried to make it to the airshow again but it just wasn't in the cards. Instead our family headed for lunch before Jaime and Michelle went back to Columbus. Lunch did not go smoothly and the first half we were split between two tables that were not close together. In the end we got to sit together and we tried to watch the finals of the World Cup.
Sorry to those that actually pay attention to the blog. I know I'm not writing anything cool or fun and the pictures aren't fab, but I really want to catch up! I have approximately three weeks until the new addition and I'm sure I'll want to post those sooner than Halloween!