Sunday, January 22, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

The AWA had their first Mom and Tot outing for the new year as a family event. We went to see the Melbourne Aces play today!! To say it was a professional game would cause me to chuckle. But it was ok. Because it is the off season in the states, there are a few guys that play in the minors in the states. I didn’t recognize anyone. Although I guess I should have gotten some autographs. Who knows, maybe someday they would be big names. Maybe.

Applying mass amounts of sun protection:

This one just goes around like this so we don't worry about his fact. He is awake in this picture.

The um . . . stadium? If you look closely, you'll see that this is the same place I was when i took pictures of the guys doing crazy stunts on their motorbikes a few months ago during the Royal Show.

And what's a team without a mascot?

At 10 months:

Adlai can crawl, pull himself up to standing, balance with no support. He plays a game where he stands up and let’s go of your hands and then falls into your lap. He still takes two naps but won’t sleep through the night. He likes food until you note the success and then he starts spitting it out. He pulls himself up in his crib and then cries because he doesn’t know what to do after that.

Got Polar Bears?

This kid's hair gets oddly curly when there is a bit of humidity. But when I want it to curl, nothin'.

I should not have waited until after the baseball game to try to get a better picture.

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