Saturday, January 21, 2012

Did Someone Say Par-tay?

We decided to have Lilly’s party on Saturday to avoid scheduling conflicts of other parties. The weather was supposed to be decent but there was the threat of rain the entire time.

So, Lilly wanted to do a fairy theme. (Second choice was underwater.) So we put some flowers on the table and to start we had the girls make magic wands.

By the way, the guy on the left is Nathan. He has an amazing talent of holding things. Here he is showing off his wand holding skills and I had him holding thread as well. If you ever have a party and need someone to hold stuff, Nathan is your man.

A couple of the girls wore dresses but Lilly may have been the only one with wings. Lilly wanted to invite Alex (they’ve been friends FOREVER, he has to be there, doesn’t matter if all the other people are girls, he’s coming – Lilly’s words, I love it!) so he came in the best elf costume EVER!!

Next up was a treasure hunt. I didn’t get pictures of that but it was great. Seth did an awesome job of setting it up. Some kids got lost (with an adult, of course) and wondered around the park but everyone was a winner in the end.

We played with a wishing well. Everyone had to toss a coin in the box and get the coin on a number. When everyone had a number, the kids got to choose their prizes with number 1 choosing first. They all got bubble wands but they had to choose their color.

The kids played a fun game with balloons but we had to alter it due to the wind. They were supposed to hit the balloons around and keep them up in the air, but one toss and the balloons would have all ended up in the skate park. So the fairies and elf just passed the balloons. In order to get their prize they had to pop their balloon and perform a task that was written on a piece of paper inside. The best one was when the youngest fairy was ordered to hug her mom and dad!

The kids got lots of playtime at the park. And then we had hotdogs and hamburgers for everyone.

Chef at work. The grill that is in the front was from the other party that was sharing the area. They had a ton of food. This was just part of the sausage course.

He got some sort of mush, nothing grand.

We even had a cake.

(It’s supposed to be a toadstool, if you couldn’t tell.)

And for those of you that remember our monstrous lazy susan that goes with our rockin’ heavy weight table, I have discovered that it is very useful in cake decoration.

And the soon-to-be- birthday girl:

Don't mind the food on her face. That's how she usually looks so we don't even bother wiping it off for pictures.

AND it didn’t rain. In fact, as we left, there was a bit of sunshine. That may have happened because Lilly then spent the afternoon at her friend’s house. Just kiddin'!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Cute pictures! Sounds like a fun party =) Happy birthday Lilly!