But, I still have some fun pictures to share.
We were able to watch the Rose Bowl on Saturday morning. We do it through the computer (and don't ask me how we do it) and I'm sure it's perfectly legal. We don't have too much of a television but we hook up Seth's laptop to our monitor downstairs. We did have a cable running from downstairs to the upstairs computer to insure our internet connection.
Way to go Buckeyes! It was a great game. Lilly was disappointed they never showed Brutus. Was he even there?
Let's throw some pictures of Lilly in here. We got her some paints for the holidays and she really wanted to paint.
We told her we were taking her picture.
She doesn't mind her picture being taken.
But she kept putting her hands in the air.
Seth finally took a picture without her looking.
We have her mat still on the floor and she was sad this morning that I hadn't picked it up and put it back on her table. "But mom, how am I supposed to do my crafts?"
My kids love Brutus, too. We made some buckeyes for Christmas, and Elias, our middle child, kept asking when we were going to make the rest of the body. Took me a minute before I figured out that he thought I was making miniature Brutus'. For the record, we only saw him once, for about 3 sec, on screen.
Raise the roof!!!
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