Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When will we get our stuff??

So, maybe our stuff is in Australia, maybe it isn't. I don't know!! I just want it. Lilly needs her rails on her bed so she won't continue to fall out. We have pillows lining the bed but she just pushes those out of her way. At least we had a comforter to throw on the floor for her to land on.

Lilly and I took the train into Melbourne this week to go to the Melbourne Museum. It was a good time. Lilly enjoyed the large space to run around. I might have learned a thing or two. We didn't get to all the areas so we'll definately have to go back.

I know it's short but hopefully I'll have more time soon. I only have 4 minutes left on the library computer and if I don't send this now, it will be gone forever.

Have a good one!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jolie, Seth, Lilly
Jolie, just read your blog. ALL of it. It was interesting and funny and I can relate with some of the things you have experienced.
Hopefully, your furniture will arrive VERY soon. On Sept. 14th we had hurricane force winds that went through Kettering. The place still looks like a warzone with trees down all over and by the side of the road waiting to be picked up. Our electric was out for 4 days. We complained about that until we heard that as of today, Fri., Sept. 26th, there are STILL 1500 people in the Dayton area with NO power. more complaining. Many were hardship cases also. Other than that, life is good. Weather has been beautiful for past 2 weeks. Enjoying it before winter descends upon us. Keep up your blog. I really enjoy reading it. Australia is one place I would love to visit. So keep blogging so we can see it through your eyes!
You missed Megan's shower. She had a "Perfect Bride" shower. Interesting and I am sure she will e-mail you about. Everyone in the family is ok.
More later.
Karen & Mel

Jen said...

Hope you get your stuff soon! It's great to read about your adventures! Give Lilly a hug from us!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jolie, Seth and Lilly - so glad to hear you are safe and sound! Sounds like you are roughing it, sorry to hear that but if anyone can roll with the punches it's you guys!
Lilly is such a sweetheart!! I can just picture her asking about the snoring, LOL! thanks for taking the time to post! Nothing new or exciting here in MI, naturally.
Love, Aleta