Sunday, September 14, 2008

Let's look for a place to live . . .

All I have to say is that we looked at a lot of houses. Some were decent, and some not so much. I frowned upon the houses where the 'seperate toilet' meant the toilet was in a different part of the house (sometimes practically outside). Now I know that is pretty common, I might have to deal with it.

In the grand scheme of things, while we want to find a place sooner than later, we did find out today (the 4th) that our stuff hasn't even left the U.S. Don't ask.

I did have a driving lesson today. Rather amusing but I do feel a little more comfortable about the roads. I actually drove when we went looking at another house. I used to think that the Michigan left turn was weird but now it isn't as odd when you do a hook turn in the city. You actually get all the way to the left and turn right across all lanes of traffic.

Lilly is sick again and all we can get from her is that her stomach hurts. Hopefully it'll pass quickly.

Have a good one!

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