So we loaded up the car and took off for the next brewery. We headed to Bright to a pretty cool brewery. We had a sampler and I would have to ask my brother for all the different beers we tried. After we let the kids have a little run on a slippery wooden play structure we headed off to lunch. I don't remember the name of it but I thought it was the best place ever because it had a large play area for the kids with a big cubby house. It was great for Lilly and we even got the twins to play in there for a bit. At the end of the meal there were kids sitting on top of the cubby house and we had to make a quick escape before Lilly decided she wanted to try that as well.
On to the next brewery which was Boynton. This was another Winery/Brewery and they only had 2 beers on tap. Or maybe it was one. Either way, it wasn't very exciting and we really didn't stick around too long.
The last place was Bridge Road Brewery. I liked this one. We were able to get a sampler and tried a bunch. Unfortunately the place was about to close for the day so we didn't get to have seconds on anything we liked. The kids were able to dance around a bit and for some reason, they all decided this was going to be the place they would fall and skin their knees. Jenna just did some falling, James had a small scratch and Lilly left part of her knee at the place.
We loaded back into the car and headed home for the night. Once there, everyone just went to bed. At least it was cooler in our place!