Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hello, House!

Today we got to spend some actual time in our house with just us. But we didn’t enjoy it too much. We did get our family room sorted a little bit. Most of the time was spent doing lots of laundry and figuring out what to pack for our trip.

Ok, so we didn't spend all our time doing what we were supposed to do. We may have played with our new camera lens a bit. And so I'll share. I didn't do any editing so a lot of them are blown out. We took these on top of our kitchen table (you know, because it's still laying on the floor).

And what is with my hair? That's why I only put one with me in it. My hair is out of control (nothing new, I'm just annoyed with it).

1 comment:

heather shively said...

Amazing photos of a beautiful family! What camera do you have? What new lens did you get?