Sunday, November 15, 2009

September 21

We have a bike path that goes fairly close to our house. I usually take it when I go for a run (not that I've done it lately, but if I had, I would take it). It winds around through trees and fields, goes by the outdoor pool and a large play park (that Lilly loves to go to) and goes on to the north and south. I don't know where either end start, I've stuck to a few miles in either direction.

Lilly wanted to go for a walk so we grabbed her scooter and left. She also wanted to be a superhero so she has the cape. [This was an awesome activity we did before we left Michigan - a silk scarf and kool-aid, lots of fun!] The first picture is going up the hill to get to the path. Then we have going down a hill that we won't let her ride her scooter on.

After you go around a footy/cricket field, you get to a bridge that goes over a cute little stream. The pictures are looking out from the bridge. And then of course, in complete Melbournian style, the bridge has been tagged.

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