Monday, August 17, 2009

We are fine!

Yes, it has been forever since I last updated. I know, I'm behind. I really need to get with it! I could go on, but really, you aren't here to read apologies. You just want to know what's going on. I have some really great pics to share of our time with my mom but I have to update June and July and then we'll get to some good stuff!

I found out that Scholastic has a warehouse pretty close to us. And for those of you in with the Scholastic crowd, you'll know how awesome their warehouse sales are. Wouldn't you know it, they have them here as well. The warehouse wasn't nearly as big nor did they have as big of a selection but it still was great. We scored some Charlie and Lola books and a handful of other books. I purchased a set of Diego Snap cards for $3.00 and that's all we have played for the last two months!

There is a new indoor play area down in the Docklands, close to the city. We took another family and let the kids play for a bit. It was new so entry was only $2.50 per person. It's not that cheap now but I guess adults get a coffee with entry. I hope I can exchange that for a hot chocolate (I'm still not a coffee drinker).

While we were down in the Docklands there was supposed to be this big light and fire spectacular. These were the only people we saw that had to do with it.

On the upside, we found the COSTCO office. It'll be coming soon (more about this at a later time)!

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