Here are some things just from home. This is Lilly's tricycle she got for her first birthday. She has always loved to ride it (with us pushing her around) and she is finally getting the hang of pedaling herself. This is on a hill close to our house so she feels very accomplished when she rides down it very fast! She still runs into things because she turns her head to watch people/dogs/cars/insects/birds and then will run into a tree/wall/curb/fence.

This is at the grocery store in the closest shopping center. They have these wonderful trolleys for the little ones but they slow us down a great deal! We use them only when we have a few items to get and when we aren't tired or wanting to get home. Lilly loves putting things in her basket and then loading the belt at the cash register. She still won't talk to the cashier (or pay for her own groceries) but she's getting better with at least not running when they say hi. If they don't look at her, she'll usually say something. I tell people not to make eye contact (yes, sort of like approaching a wild animal).

And finally we went to the circus. No animals, all people. The tent looks huge but it was pretty small. There were only about 15 performers and they would do some tricks, play in the band, move props and then contort their body. It was strange. There were some interesting choices in clothing. Or lack of clothing, it seemed. It was hard to watch what they were doing when I was analyzing why they would be wearing what they were wearing. I was a little disturbed.

And Lilly's thoughts on the circus: 'I didn't like the part she was stuck in the chair. I liked where they jumped through the hula hoops. I liked one teeny tiny bit.'
Me: 'Do you want to go back?'
Lilly: 'No!' (runs away)
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