We had a massive thunderstorm last night. I was woken by the thunder and even with my eyes closed I could see the flashes of lightning. It didn't help that our bathroom has a sky light and it looked like someone was turning the light on and off. It rained very hard for a long time and even through this morning. It was the longest rain I've seen since I've been here. It was raining a bit when it was time for Seth to go to work so he drove. Lilly and I chanced it and walked to the library. It was considerably cooler than it has been the last two days - it was in the 90's. For the next week it's supposed to be in the 70's. After story time we had coffee with some of the people we had met in playgroup. We walked home and about 5 minutes later the rain started up again (this time was very brief).
Last night I went to a Moms Night Out for the American Women's Auxiliary. They met at a restaurant called Bouzy Rouge. Sounds totally like a drinking establishment but upon arrival it was a very classy place (I felt underdressed in my jeans). I met four other women, so it was a start. However I could only stay for 20 minutes because I had a soccer game.
Off to the game which we lost 1-2. It was a good game and a disappointing loss. On the way home I was battling Thursday night traffic and getting a little grumpy. I turned on to a street in the CBD (aka downtown) and had a good laugh at the x-mas decorations strung across the lights above the road. I'm guessing their Christmas parade is soon. I get irritated about Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving but they don't have that one so there is nothing stopping them from starting early. I also noticed on the way to the library that the stores had holiday pictures painted on their windows. I would says its way to early but if I wanted to send any gifts back home, I should have done that by now.
1 comment:
Hey Jolie
Just reading your blog. Its after 10 pm here in Dayton. Nothing on TV. The BIG game is over. No, I won't tell you who won! Or even the score! You mentioned you had not downloaded it so won't say nothing about THE game. I will mention that its COLD here! Yeh, last night it was 15 outside and only about 30 today. At least your going into summer! We still have winter coming. Looking forward 2 that? Nope! Hate winter! Lilly looks so cute with her Buckeye OHIO. Sorry you've been sick. About Christmas! Well, Dayton Mall had Santa coming last Saturday 15-11 (that's Nov. 15th haha). Santa is in full swing down there now! Yesterday, Friday, The Greene had their Santa Parade and tomorrow, 23-11 its time for Santa at Fairfield Mall. So, don't feel bad. Its already Christmas here also! Have a great Thanksgiving Day there (yes, I know they do not celebrate Thanksgiving).
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