Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Adlai's Procedure

When we found out we were having a boy we started asking about having him circumcised. Little did I know that it was going to become a big deal. All we found out initially was that it isn't done at the hospital when they are born.

Ok, so then I had to ask several of my GP's for a referral and I got a lot of questions. Apparently it's not the norm.

Next we found out that we had to wait until the little guy was six months.

Then we found out the the procedure CAN NOT be done at a public hospital. We would have to go to a private doctor and to a private hospital. Quite a bit of money in cutting a piece of skin. We did notice an office building that we passed quite often that advertised circumcision on the window. But I was looking for a place without spelling errors when listing the different services they provide.

What is that?

Starting to notice something is going to happen

I went back with him and could stay until he was knocked out. While he cried and looked a little disgruntled about having a mask pushed on him, he did fairly well. I think he was tired from getting up so early in the morning.

The waking up was a bit traumatic. Adlai didn't come out of his sleep well. He was the only baby that was completely mortified of what had just happened. After a week and a half of swelling and discomfort (I have to imagine that was the case), Adlai eased back to his usual self.

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