Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Our first objective of the morning was to eat.  Our deal included, possibly, a buffet breakfast each morning.  Yum, yum.  Well, until we went downstairs.

Not that it was bad.  Don’t get me wrong.  It was ok.  But the plates were hot.  I’m talking scalding hot.  Since Lilly skipped the poached eggs and veal and pork something she went to the fruit.  And got a bunch of fruit.  Remember the hot plate?  Fruit on hot plate doesn’t do so well. 

I did try the poached egg and it was good on an English Muffin.  There was rice, hash browns and bacon (but not crispy bacon and it is much more fatty).  There were lots of different breads.  Not too bad but just not great.  Oh well, we’ll try again tomorrow.

Back to our room to let our food digest and get our swimsuits on.  We headed down to the pool and spent about an hour playing in the kiddie pool, the big pool which was over 1.5 metres deep in some spots, and the alligator slide.  Ok, I’m guessing it was a crocodile slide since they don’t have alligators here, but no one would know.  Adlai love it all!  Lilly just wanted to do everything a hundred times.

We went back to our room to get a quick lunch and put Adlai down for a nap.  He needed a major sleep.  We even had Lilly lay down and she fell asleep.  Score!  I may have fallen asleep after reading in the sunshine for a little bit.

Next stop was dessert!  Really I needed to get to a place with internet access and we noticed that one of the ice cream places said they had fast service.  It was not fast and the ice cream wasn’t especially good.  While we sitting there waiting for something to happy with the internet they got a delivery of fresh ice cream and a lot more flavors.  Grrr.

I think I’ve talked about food throughout the entire post but up next was dinner!  We had already planned to get Indian but first we had a quick play in the ocean.  We bought some sand toys when we got up here and let the kids have a go.  Lilly got pretty wet and Adlai got his toes wet.  He did pretty well for being in the massive ocean with waves.

So then we went and ordered our Indian and took it back to our hotel.  We got buttered chicken as that has become a favorite and guess who liked it the most?

Take a guess.

No, really, it’s not that difficult.

Showers for everyone!  And bed.  Adlai decided that he didn’t need sleep.  There must have been something in the food because he was wired and didn’t go to bed until 10ish.  We finally put him in his pack-n-play and just turned out the lights.  He jumped up and cried for a long time.  Finally he gave up and laid down and fell to sleep immediately.  We weren’t about to try to watch a show or anything.  We just went to sleep then too.

1 comment:

Aleta said...

Well now I'm hungry for buttered chicken,and it's 9am LOL.
So, did you take them to the crocodile and jellyfish beach?!?!?