Saturday, August 25, 2012

Here/There/Where are You?

Every other year Lilly's school has a concert.  From what I've heard it would consist of the each class learning a song and dancing to it.  There may have been costumes involved.  But I wasn't there so I don't know how it actually went.

This year we had a parent obtain a grant to put on a special program.  She brought in artists and writers and the kids were given a huge role in making the play.  In the end the kids made lots of puppets and everyone had some sort of part in the play.

What was the story about?  Hmm . . .  aliens.  Exploring Earth.

The downfall of the way they performed.  You couldn't see too many of the kids.

Lilly is in the above picture.  She is on the right behind the screen with her 'butterfly' shadow puppet.

Overall it was very well done.  The whole school community was involved including parents.  Okay, I'm not sure that the office manager was involved.  No, wait a minute, she would have done ticket sales and answering questions from parents.  

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