Did I mention we are moving?
We looked at a few places.
One had holes in the walls and a broken out stain glass window.
One had grass up to our knees but it had a boat in the yard.
I might have considered it if it came with the boat.
But then again, the carpet that smelled like animal urine (I’m sticking to my guns about the source of that one) was overwhelming to Lilly, we couldn’t stay there.
And then there was the one that didn’t have room in the kitchen for a fridge.
And we looked at one house just because it was funny. It belongs to a coworker of Seth's who is going over to China for a while. It's funny because it's larger than what we have but a much better price, but at the edge of the burbs. The house was huge with a small fenced in yard (cement and grass). Four bedrooms. Large potential area for a playroom. Two bathrooms (both inside). HEAT and AIR CONDITIONING. And then little things like no holes in the ceiling and no duct tape in the dining area.
BUT it was 20 km from Lilly’s school. And I had subbed in the school close to where this house was. I didn’t like it. Too big and just cold. Unfriendly. This was just my impression, I’m sure it is great!
I didn’t want to like it when we looked at it. But I did. I do. And that’s the one we took. We want to get a head start with moving stuff so I am spending my days running between the two places unloading a few boxes at a time.
Our kitchen opens up to our living room type area. So if we have people over, Seth can be cooking while we play Wii Bowling.

This is the first time that Seth and I have shared a closet in 12 years. This is also the only carpeting in the entire house.

Part of our back 'garden':

The backyard wraps around one side and the back of the house. There is quite a bit of cement but areas of square chunks of grass. There is also a corner for a veggie garden. In the very corner that you can barely see is a tree. A lemon tree!! I don't know what we would do with more than one lemon in a summer but we'll find out some day!