Saturday, May 14, 2011

Let's Go to the Movies . . .

We took Lilly to her first movie at the theater to see Rio. Seth got tickets through Ford and we got a free soda and popcorn with it. I'm sure a lot of people take their children earlier than 5, but really, try to sit through a movie with Lilly and you'll get why we waited. And why it may be another ten years before we try again.

She is a talker from the moment the movie starts she needs to know what is going to happen to each character. Why, why, why? And she's a bit sensitive, hates conflict.

But, she had a great time and wants to do it again next weekend. We may not wait ten years to take her to the movies but she will have to buy her own popcorn.

And FYI - I took a picture with a lovely smile from Lilly but this was the picture our friend Nicolas took. Lilly did get dressed up to go, it was very sweet.

1 comment:

NewsCat said...

What's with the beard??? Seth is starting to look like our uncles.