Adlai sleeps pretty well at night now. He goes down at about 8:30 and will sometimes sleep until 4:30 in the morning. This doesn't happen all the time. If I could just go to bed at 8:30 I would be pretty well rested. Naps during the day are practically non existent unless someone is holding him. This is not a sore point with me as he sleeps through the night and I like that a lot. This does however mean I don't get a lot of work done throughout the day.
Adlai is beginning to enjoy his bouncy chair and play mat. He watches the toys move around. His favorite is still the mobile above his bed which has dinosaurs on it.
Tummy time is tolerated for short periods of time. Adlai will kick a lot and arch his back. If I get his arms in the right position he will hold his head up really high and look around. Otherwise he just moves his head just enough to be comfortable.
More pictures to come!
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