Sunday, February 8, 2009

A whole lotta nothin' . . .

I have stuff to write about, I promise. And pictures, too! But, we don't have internet at home. I'm writing this at the library.

In case anyone has heard about the fires, we aren't in any danger. Since we don't have access to internet, we really don't know what is going on. Hopefully Seth will fill me in when he comes home from work.

Have a good one!


Anonymous said...

yes I heard about the fires on the news, and am glad you updated even just to say that! I suppose I could have looked up the locations myself but that's asking a lot for a monday morning!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everyone is ok there.
Was thinking of you when I heard about the fires.

Anonymous said...

What the deuce Seth, get on the ball and get the internet hooked back up. We need an update and more Lilly pictures. Quit slacking!

ps. You are missing one heckofa winter here. Not. It sucks bigtime. How bout you get me and Al jobs there, and we can hire Jolie for daycare so we can have a Mensa child too. Win win win.