Two weekends ago we went to the Streets of Melbourne. We saw a couple of shows put on by different performers. In a word - terrible!
The first show was put on by a married couple from NYC (at least that was what they said). I can't even describe what they did. They were supposed to be funny but a lot of the jokes were rather crude. They spent time juggling, balancing and spitting bananas back and forth.

The second turned out to be a giant game. The actors recruited lots of children to participate. The actors didn't really speak, they held up cards with visual clues and the kids were supposed to figure out what they meant. If the kids couldn't figure them out one of the actors blew a whistle and they kicked the kids out of the show. Needless to say there were tears and no one really understood what was going on.

The following Tuesday and Wednesday turned out to be in the 90s. Lilly and I escaped the heat Wednesday by going to the Melbourne Museum. We saw a show called the Walking Whale Circus. It was a cute show that talked a little about evolution. There were some acrobatic skills invloved. It was fun and Lilly really enjoyed it. When it would get quiet while the performers would mid trick, she would shriek, point and shout 'look at that, mommy!' I couldn't take pictures inside.

On the way out we stopped at a play park. Since it was so hot we had the place practically to ourselves.

This past Sunday, the 18th, we went to the Tianjin Dancing Kite Festival. When we left the house there wasn't even the slightest breeze so we were a little worried, but the wind picked up as the afternoon went on. We were able to make our own kite out of straws and tissue paper. There was a big field where everyone was trying their new kites out. Ours did some funky little dance for a bit. There was a tiny tear in the tissue paper and I think this caused the problem.
Now it's in the 100s and it is too hot to move. I should have taken Lilly somewhere for the day as she was out of comission for the last couple of days but I'm grumpy from the heat and Lilly waking up at all hours of the night!
Have a good one!
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