Sunday, July 27, 2008

Almost Homeless

We have a renter!! While very excited that we can cross something huge off our list, I'm a little troubled. Seth leaves on Friday, the guy needs to be out of his house on Wednesday, the days don't exactly match. And either way, I'm without a house by the weekend. I'll be spending four weeks wondering aimlessly around Ohio, Michigan and Indiana, looking for beds to sleep in. I know, not so much aimlessly, I know where I'll be staying, I just don't know when and for how long.

Today has begun the frantic cleaning and packing. Trying to get this guy into a clean house shouldn't be difficult. It's a matter of getting all our stuff packed up and out of the way so this guy has somewhere to put his stuff while we are still here. What a disaster!

Anyone want to buy a car?

Have a good one!

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