We had planned to head to the city for the family fireworks. But, some young child did not cooperate and was very tired. So she went to bed early and we stayed in. Seth and I welcomed the New Year playing video games.
Before the tiredness overpowered her brain:Saturday, December 31, 2011
More Festivus and a “Happy” New Year
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The Bestest Show
the magician that performed at the end of the show. Nice. Seth on the other hand kept talking about how clever the show was. At least someone paid attention.
Seth did sneak a picture or two but with our point and shoot camera nothing came out over the top easy to see.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Happy Festivus!
I’m not sure if she likes it.
But she won’t let me sit in it.
Just kidding! Sher really likes it.
But she still doesn't let me sit in it.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Playing With the Lights
She went along with it for a few minutes as long as I took her picture with the tree.
She took some great pictures so I took her picture with the tree.
I'm good like that.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Santa Visits Australia
Saturday, December 24, 2011
A Child's Point of View
You might ask what I was thinking and why on earth would I put a pair of leggin's in front of our tree. It was all Lilly, I swear. And she apparently has my train of thought because when I asked her WHY?, this is what she said.
"Well, I need to put a stocking out and you always put a big sock. And you put soccer socks out last year and I used my soccer socks. Although the year before I probably borrowed yours. I can't find my soccer sock so I was thinking of something big and I thought the only other thing I would have is my stockings. But I couldn't find a pair so this was what I thought I could use anyway."
Really, I think she was trying to get Santa to fill both legs up. I don't think she was thinking that without feet everything would just drop through and be eaten by a reindeer.
Friday, December 23, 2011
We Are Close to a Holiday
An uninterested youngster:
And the finished product:
Thursday, December 22, 2011
9 Months!
And here's the un-birthday boy at 9 months:
With the bear that he doesn't really make eye contact with:
He's a happy boy during the day with many chins from eating so much in the middle of the night:
Serious side:
A boy and his monkey:
Tricks – he still claps and rolls, one way. He likes to pull himself up to stand. Not crawling but looks like he is gearing up for it. Hopefully the Christmas tree isn’t his first target.
I know, I still have one of those awesome, awesome 'cots' with the slide down rail that have been banned in the states. [Shout out to cuz'n Emily, cause it rocks.] And yes, my kid is standing while the rail is down. I was totally watching him and making sure he didn't do a head dive (through the camera, of course). Besides, once Lilly did a dive out of that thing over the side and she is just fine. Mostly.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Let's Throw in Some Cuteness
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Another Author!
Adlai enjoyed listening to the stories.
We took one of Lilly's best friends and they had a blast. We did check out the windows with the Christmas displays but at 10:00 in the morning, I didn't want to stand in line for to get a good picture.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Rock Star Jr.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Rock Star
So Lilly takes guitar lessons and at the end of the year, they have a jam session. Or a school concert. Or a music recital. Lilly got up in front of parents and other music students and played for about 30 seconds.
What killed me is that she played a song that she hadn't been practicing all that much. And yet she still went up with a lot of confidence and did well with it. Look, she even has a smile on her face!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I Take it Back!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Drum Roll Please
After 8 months 1 week and 3 days-ish, Adlai has decided to do more than just sit around. He rolls! So it’s in one direction and just from his belly to his back. Whatever. He’s very cute when he does it. Says me.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Something Good for the New Month
Adlai figured he might as well throw in a bit of fussiness this week. His top two teeth are pushing in. Not really fussy. Who am I kidding? He woke up a couple extra times the last two nights. That’s it. He’s fine during the day. He’s an easy kid. I’m worried he’s saving up for something.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Adlai Does the Zoo
It’s either a fuzzy seal in the background.
Or a cute kid in the foreground.
Never mind, here he is with a cement frog.
I can do that one.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thanksgiving Down Under
Anyway, we had two other families over plus one of Seth's co-workers who is from the US. In total we had 7 adults, 5 girls under the age of 6 and 2 boys under the age of 9 months. It was loud yet fun.
The food rocked. The turkey was awesome. And the company was absolutely lovely. I'll have to see if I can get a picture of the 7 kg turkey. It was something to write home about.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
8 Months!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Goodbye, Hospital!
Last appointment at the hospital for Lilly’s arm. We are given the thumbs up for all activities. Until the regular doctor sees Lilly and says “I would keep her off the monkey bars for another 2-3 . . .
[I’m thinking, really 2-3 weeks? This kid is itchin’ to play on the bars at school with all the other kids.]
Excuse me? Months? Really? She’s 5! You want me to go to school every day and monitor her play so she stays off the equipment. Not to mention Lilly’s eyes are welling up. I told him thank you and took her out. She just kept looking at me. Really, mom? I told her we’d discuss it later and to stay off the monkey bars today.Thursday, November 17, 2011
All is Well at 8 Months
Adlai had his 8 month check up and all looks good. He’s a small 20% in height and 25% in weight. And he just might be 75% in head size. Hmmm . . .
Again the midwife was pleased with Adlai’s excellent balance. The kid sits up for hours. Maybe not hours, he usually gets bored and flops himself backwards. The midwife was excited about his ability to clap. I’ve never seen someone so happy that a baby could clap (she said it was a 12 month skill). So of course she says “so he’s reached all his other milestones and he’s rolling around and doing some sort of crawl?”
Me: Um . . . Nope, this is all he does. Sits and claps.
Midwife: Oh.
Me: But look how well he can clap!
The kid just doesn’t care. Well, and we’ve been trying to get our house sorted. I haven’t really wanted him moving around because our house is just one big hazard. So really, we haven’t encouraged it. I guess he’s obliged to follow our lead on that one.