Monday, February 23, 2009

Australia Day

The 26th of January is Australia Day, celebrating the founding of Australia (forget about the Aborigonies who were already living here for a little bit). Seth had the day off so we headed to Werribee Open Range Zoo. This zoo has the typical enclosures for kangaroos and lions (those are not together, by the way). It also has a 'safari' in which you load up on a bus and drive around the open ranges. We were able to see giraffes, rhinoceros, and different kind of antelope type animals. It was pretty cool. Lilly really liked the zoo although she was petrified of a man walking around in a zebra costume.

In the evening we took a train to the city. They had a very strange performance, I can't really describe it. We have a little video I'll get Seth to put it on the site. We went to see the fireworks. We weren't disappointed with the fireworks. They were being set off from three different places and we were able to see them all.

Trying to get back on track!

Internet is back up and running! Turns out our power cord went bad.

Now we have a lot of catching up to do. I'm going to try to work backwards so I keep these in order. You'll have to just check it out every once in a while to see what has happened. I'll post some pics with each entry and I'll have Seth come back and post the video we have plus the large sets of pictures in an album.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Have a good one!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A whole lotta nothin' . . .

I have stuff to write about, I promise. And pictures, too! But, we don't have internet at home. I'm writing this at the library.

In case anyone has heard about the fires, we aren't in any danger. Since we don't have access to internet, we really don't know what is going on. Hopefully Seth will fill me in when he comes home from work.

Have a good one!